TNA/TNI: Gathering all Training Need from every department and Individual Employee.(Technical/behavioral or soft skill/Safety/Quality/Management Functional etc ).
Proposal for Fully Integrated Auto Comprehensive Online
Learning Management System
- Training Need Identification
- Competency mapping and Skill Analysis
- Training Calendar and Implementation Planning
- Training Management
- Vendor Management and Online Quotation System
- Training Assessment and Evaluation
- Trainers Database, Record and Feedback System
- Return on Investment
- Individual Training Management and record
- SWOT Analysis & Succession Planning
- Testing and Skill Certification
- On the Job Training Record and Implementation
- Trainers Module
- Technicians Training
- Many Types of Reports
- SAP Integration
- External nominations
- Special Training requirement
- Trainers Database, Record and Feedback System
- PMS Integration
- Auto updation of all activities
- Fully customized as per requirement
We can also undertake to handle training function for your company & do all skill gap analysis for your employees.
Details of Learning Management System
( All activities to be completed by an HR/Training Professional )
Competency Mapping,Skill GAP Analysis,Skill matrix Analysis and auto updates of skills.
OJT database /Technicians Training
SWOT Analysis for all.
Training Calendar and Training batches by own (Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly)
Training Budget (Auto) based on various inputs.
Wide data base of all Service providers or Vendors (Internal/External,Trainers/expert/Service providers/ Institutes/Training Centre’s).
PMS, Employee Self Service (Optional)
Online Quotation System (to receive online quotations for various Training programs & comparison statement to save time)
Feedback, Training assessment and Analysis for every training program conducted.
ROI Calculations for all possible programs( Tangible and nontangible - Assessment)
Automatic Follow up through Email/SMS.
Certification Evaluation, Succession planning
Trainer’s evaluation and delivery management.
Online Surveys (Training, HR, recruitment )
Wide Data Management for long period.
SAP/other system Integration
Library Management System
Various Report generation in graphical formats, required for Training Coordinator or Manager

- Training Calendar (Yearly/Quarterly/Monthly/weekly)
- Training Budget (Planned, Allotted, spent, program wise, department wise)
- Attendance of every training programs and required report
- Individual Training need and Assessment
- Internal/external training and Nominations system
- All other reports required category wise, grade wise or any other
- Up-dation to get Internal Trainers from various departments. And many more….
In short it can do all the function of a training personnel/Manager and hence will be useful to all the organizations to save time, Reduce cost, Improve process, Improve customer or employee satisfaction, easy learning and follow up. It can be customize as per the requirement of an organization. We will be happy to discuss more and give a demo if your company is interested. Kindly do inform by an email/call or web.
Employee Self Service (ESS) Dashboard

- Competency mapping : — It`s an important to get skill details for an individual, to able to design the various training programs. Our System can do it in detail.
- Skill Gap Analysis : — Gap Analysis will be done for all skills (Technical/behavioral/Safety /Quality /Management) required to perform a job at every level. Every employee can select 15 Trainings per Year which is to be approved by concerned head or reporting supervisor before hitting to Training manager.
- Microanalysis : — Specially Designed module will help to get exact skill level of an employee. A small test will help to know the present skill status of an employee which will help a Training manager or heads to decide the urgency of Training. Also priority can be set.
- SWOT Analysis : — Can able to collect SWOT analysis for all individual
- Training calendar : — based on the input received (Even from JD) from above Training calendar module will itself prepare a Yearly Training Calendar which can be modified by manual changes as required. All required data base exists i.e. list of various Training programs, duration of each program, Internal and External Trainers database, leave updates and a strategy to prepare.
- Online Quotation System : — This module will help to get quotation for every program from suggested vendors and a comparative statement will be prepared for approval and assessment.
- Budgeting : — Software will help to prepare training budget under various heads and various reports can also be generated regarding budgetary allocation.
- Attendance Sheets and Update : — Attendance Sheet for every training program will be ready well in advance and complete database for required training.
- Automatic Approval and Reminders : — Every Employee can attend the training program only prior to approval by heads or reporting supervisor. If anyone misses the same auto reminders will be generated through email and sms to two levels for prompt action.
- External Training Nominations : — External Service providers can upload their Training Calendar for your information as per the formats suggested by you which will help you to know the various trainings to be conducted outside where you can send nominations as per requirement. Training personnel can request to get details by sending an email or itself can upload the same.
- Report generation : — All the required reports will get generated from this and can also be modified if required. Monthly MIS can also get generated. On screen reporting facility is available.
- Various Reporting formats can be developed as per client requirements to ease the work or emailing for approval with specific format.
- Software exist the data of various training programs and Micro analysis as required, details of Vendors or Service providers which can be modified as applicable.
- To update Internal trainers data base time to time or identification of internal Trainers will be done.
- New Training program request can be taken by Heads of the departments.
- Online Survey and Internal feedback system.
- Skill testing and Certification system.
- PMS and Employee Self -service is optional
- All in details, everything Training manager/ Management want for talent development.
- Competency mapping/ Skill Analysis/Skill mapping : — It's an important to get skill details for each and every individual to able to Identify the required training and design the various training programs. Our System can do it in detail. HOD can track skill set his own departmental employees whereas HR/Training manager can track skill set of every employee in company. Skill set updates automatically once employee successfully attended the training program.
- Skill Gap Analysis : — Gap Analysis (skill testing will be done for all skills (Technical/behavioral/Safety/Quality/Management) required to perform a job at every level . Every employee can select 15/20 Trainings per Year which is to be approved by concerned HOD or reporting supervisor before hitting to Training manager.
- Microanalysis : — Specially designed module will help to get exact present skill level for an employee. A small test will help to know the present skill status of an employee which will help a Training manager or heads to decide the urgency of Training. Also priority can be set. Skill Available: 70%; Training requirement 70%; Training required: Yes
- Training calendar : — Based on the input received (Skill Analysis/ TNI/JD/PMS) Training calendar module will itself prepare a
Yearly/Quarterly/Monthly Training Calendar which can be modified by manual changes as required. All required data base exists i.e. list of various Training programs, duration of each program, Internal and External Trainers database, leave updates and a strategy.
- Online Quotation System : — This module will help to get quotation for every program from suggested vendors and a comparative statement will be prepared for approval and assessment.
- Budget Management : — Software will help to prepare training budget under various heads and various reports can also be generated regarding budgetary allocation.
- Attendance Management and auto update : — Attendance Sheet for every training program will be ready well in advance and complete database for required training.
- Automatic Approval and Reminders : — Every Employee can attend the training program only prior to approval by heads or reporting supervisor. If any one misses the same auto reminders will be generated through email and sms up to two levels for prompt action.
- External Training Nominations : — External Service providers can upload their Training Calendar for your information as per the formats suggested by you which will help you to know the various trainings to be conducted outside where you can send nominations as per business requirement. Training personnel can request to get details by sending an email or itself can upload the same.
- Report generation : —All the required reports will get generated in graphical form and can also be get modified if required. Monthly MIS can also get generated. On screen reporting facility is available.
- Report on Return on Investment (ROI) for every individual program conducted can be calculated.
- Succession Planning : —Skill comparison for succession planning among available employees is available. Management can decide the best suitable successor using this.
- Yearly Man days Report : —Training Man - days/ Man-hours/ Training Days etc. report available.
- Training program Feedback Evaluation & Assessment : —Complete Training evaluation system is incorporated.
- SWOT : — Analysis for Individual (Record and Updates).
- Various Reporting formats can be developed as per client requirements to ease the work or emailing for approval with specific format.
- Trainers Section & Implementation Module.
- Special Training program request can be taken by Heads of the department/HR.
- Online feedback, Survey and online Test facility..... And many customized features...
Various Reports
Various all types of reports can be generated from this auto system.
- Training man-day’s, Man-hour reports for all employees, department wise, grade wise, level wise etc.
- Total budget planned, spent, area of utilization etc. etc.
- All reports on graphical system is possible.
If you are thinking to control various units from Corporate or Outsource the Training function, g ive us a chance to meet and discuss.